Did you know that for over a decade I did my computer work with my cell phone and a booster? Every post, every email, every bid and invoice…all on a cell phone that didn’t always work and occasionally lost emails and messages somewhere in cyberspace, never to be seen again. I used to wonder if I should give up my rural lifestyle just so I could communicate, but I cherish my peace, quiet and beautiful scenery too much to sacrifice it for connectivity. I have always called it a quality of life choice.
Finally, at long last, I have the option of Starlink and it is working so well I can’t even believe it! I am no longer tethered to a corner of the house on my cell phone and am creating this blog on my super fancy iPad with everything connected. At long last I can show that I’m working all the time, have hired an awesome employee and have been getting my dream projects and commissions …..decades of hard work, struggle and commitment are paying off and I have never been happier in my life. Thank you to my clients for continuously sending me all the referrals that have kept me in business for so long without the need to advertise. Referrals and word of mouth have always given me the best clients and favorite projects. I couldn’t have had this amazing career and life without you. I appreciate you all more than you could ever know.
I’m sure you are wondering what this photo is. My daughter and I went to a spoon bending party where we were shown that anything really is possible. Seriously- we bent silverware with our minds! I was there, I bent my spoon by thinking about it and I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around what happened. It was bananas, but it really proved that anything is possible if you think it! 🤯🤩
